What we notice immediately is how warm and caring the staff are towards their children. We took Alex Atkins, the cover manager, out for an ice cream at lunchtime. Every child knew his name and their was a genuine warmth. Tonypandy is a real community school.
Here’s what PE Direct staff have said about Tonyoandy:
Tonypandy is one of my favourite schools to work in as the staff are always really friendly and supportive. Alex in the office always makes sure you know where you’re going for the day and is there if you need a hand, he’s also great to talk to at the end of the day or if you have any questions. The kids at the school are great – always grateful for any help and time you give them, and it’s a great mix of personalities that always makes the days interesting. The best part of the school is the PE department, having spent may days there I get on with the staff really well and they’re always really helpful during the day and make sure you know where you’re going
Tonypandy is an excellent school with friendly pupils and excellent staff. Staff are very helpful and willing to go out of their way to help you and point you in the right direction. Including Alex who is always there to help and put a smile on your face he’s excellent if you have any queries. The p.e department are extremely helpful and really do look after you.
I have been working at tonypandy community college since February this year and this was one of my first schools to work in as a cover teacher. I immediately felt like a valued part of the school when I was greeted by Alex Atkins at the front door. Alex introduced me to several of the permanent staff members who were all very friendly and welcoming. I was also helped by some of the children to my classrooms as I was unsure of the layout of the school.
I really enjoy working at tonypandy because I feel like I am a valued part of the school. I am treated as a full time member of staff and made to feel welcome by all of the teachers in the staff room and during lessons. I have alwaysbeen offered help by other teachers and if I ever need assistance during a lesson the children do not hesitate to go and retrieve another more experienced teacher from the classroom. I am never made to feel like I am on my own or that I cannot ask for help.
The students in tonypandy community college always say good morning and are always happy to see me and greet me with a smile when they realise I am covering their lesson. I feel as though I have developed a bond with the students and I enjoy helping and seeing them progress through their studies.
I started off at Tonypandy community college with limited experience working in a school environment. Having coming straight out of university they aloud me to transfer all my skills I learnt over the years and aloud myself to apply practical with theory, which was very beneficial for myself. The staff have been very welcoming since day one, from the head teacher, canteen staff and to the PE department, everyone has been great, so I would like to thank everyone at the school and wish them all the best in the future
Tonypandy community college is a warm and welcoming school. The staff as a whole have been brilliant and have constantly been supporting myself and my other colleagues from PE direct. With no hesitation the staff are on hand to help find classes, provide schedules on day to day activities as well as giving pupil information regarding additional support and guidance. The pupils have been fantastic. They are open to ever changing environments as well as new learning support assistants workingalongside them. Prior to my work within Tonypandy I had very minimal experience working within a class room setting, teaching and assisting where needed. I feel the additional skills I have learnt are vital for the foreseeable future working and teaching within schools. This has been a knowledgable experience and I would like to thank PE direct and Tonypandy Community College for the opportunity.